
Haldun Akoğlu | 20 Mayıs 2013

20th year of Emergency Medicine in Turkey

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This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the Emergency Medicine in Turkey.  Established in Izmir in 1991 by Dr. John Fowler  and Dr Namık Çevik, rector of Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) in 1991, Emergency Medicine has now grown to serve almost all patients in Turkey with more than 500 attendings, 100 faculty and 1000 residents. To celebrate the many achievements of the Emergency Medicine, DEU planned and hosted a meeting and we were there for you as Acilci.Net.

You can listen how a discipline was founded from its founders and first physicans (now professors). Check the videos below. Unfortunately, in Turkish.

For more information on the foundation of Emergency Medicine in Turkey, please contact us at [email protected]

Dr. John Fowler

Dr. Namık Cevik

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Haldun Akoğlu
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Acil Tıp Profesörü. Marmara ihtisaslı olup Zonguldak, Kartal derken yine yuvasına dönmüştür. Acilci.Net’in kurucusudur. Araştırma ve biyoistatistik konularında sebepsiz bir ilgi ve meraka sahiptir. Kitabın kalınını, filmin bilim-kurgulusunu, kebabın acısını, arabanın hızlısını sever. Isaac Asimov, William Osler, Phillip Dick, Douglas Adams sevdalısıdır. 90’larda kurduğu Lise Mezunları sitesiyle Facebook’u önce kendinin bulduğunu iddia eder.