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Dear International Emergency Medicine colleagues,

We recently created the first Emergency Medicine Clerkship/Education program for students in United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), College of Medicine and Health Sciences  in United Arab Emirates (UAE). Our curriculum includes a mixture of SAEM and IFEM undergraduate education curriculum. In 2013-2014, the program was a big success and 42% of students mentioned to choose Emergency Medicine as a career choice in the survey and 82% of the students request to do additional elective in Emergency medicine.  We believe that Emergency Medicine Clerkship played positive role for improving the reputation of Emergency Medicine in the medical school and in UAE.

This year we are leveraging on mobile learning technologies, applying flipped teaching model, following the SAEM and IFEM guidelines. The student’s satisfaction levels improved 20% compared to last year.

Using mobile technologies in teaching is one of the main interests of the education leaders of UAEU.  This is also spurred by the collaboration with Apple Inc.  in all colleges.   As Emergency Medicine is new in UAEU, we have decided to start an iEmergency Medicine for Medical Students and Interns Project.  This project will help to create awareness of the Emergency Medicine specialty among the medical students and interns in UAE and in the region. After discussions with leaders from Apple Education, UAEU, and some Emergency Medicine Societies including IFEM, we are very elated to extend an invitation to the International Emergency Medicine community to contribute to this project.

The idea behind this iBook is to make learning Emergency Medicine fun, promoting EM as a very attractive specialty and encourage students and interns to choose Emergency Medicine as their future career. This is very unique initiative in UAEU, and we believe that it will improve the reputation of Emergency Medicine in UAE and in the region. The iBook (iEmergency Medicine for Medical Students and Interns) will be published in iTunesU and it will be free for everybody. We are planning to publish the book at September 2015 for the 2015-2016 academic year.  All possible social media environment, high quality education links will be implemented to the book as much as possible to improve and spread the Free Open Access Medical Education idea. Technical part of this book will be completed under the guidance and help of Apple officials. Language/Grammar will be controlled by professional grammar editors.  You can select one or more of the following options to contribute.

Contribution Choices:

  1. You can be an author/co-author for a chapter
  2. You can submit high yield clinical pictures, images
  3. You can submit your high yield clinical case, physical exam, procedure videos or their links
  4. You can prepare and submit NBME type MCQ questions
  5. You can share your experience in a short video about a topic (Expert opinion videos)
  6. You can share your top EM learning website link list for medical students
  7. If you an digital medical artist or if it is your hobby, you can help us for some figures and pictures
  8. You can be a section editor to review the medical contents in the chapters

We are expecting participation from all continents to create this book which will combine almost every possible way of learning for our students and interns.

If you interested to help this project please check the attached pdf file which includes topics listed under the guidance of SAEM/IFEM curriculums and students’ requests. Please find the topics (3 possible topics) that you can contribute (options 1 to 8) and send us an email ([email protected]) to be informed for further action.Furthermore, We would like to thank  the president of IFEM, Professor C. James Holliman, for his chapter (Choosing Emergency Medicine as a Career) and  his support of our project.

Again, thank you very much for your kind support of this initiative.

Editors: Arif Alper Cevik, Lit Sin Quek, Abdel Noureldin



Arif Alper Cevik, MD, FEMAT

Professor of Emergency Medicine, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey

Director, Evidence Based Emergency Trauma Management Course, Turkey

A/Prof of Internal Medicine, United Arab Emirates University, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Director, Emergency Medicine Clerkship, UAEU CMHS, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Core Faculty, Tawam-John Hopkins Hospital Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Member, Board of Directors, Asian Society for Emergency Medicine

Phone: +971 50 8301393

E-Mail: [email protected]

Web: www.acilci.net



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Arif Alper Çevik
Onur Kurulu
Acilci.Net kurucu editör ve yazarlarından. iem-student.org (International Emergency Medicine Education Project) kurucusu ve direktörü. Asya Acil Tıp Derneği YK üyesi. Uluslararası Acil Tıp Federasyonu, eğitim komisyonu başkan yardımcısı. Acil tıp profesörü, diplomalı tıp eğitimci, iç hastalıkları doçenti ve UAEU iç hastalıkları bölüm başkanı.